Mina Edison Society® Creates Care Packages for FSW Students

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Victoria and Bruce Stephan —  investing today, underwriting dreams for tomorrow!

Fall semester begins with a boom at Florida SouthWestern State College (FSW). As summer fades away and cool winter mornings begin, over 22,000 students are attending with COVID-19 masks on four FSW campuses. The pandemic has changed a lot about our world recently, but one thing has become clear:  getting an education at Florida SouthWestern State College is a smart choice.

Upon graduation, 96% of FSW students graduate, enter the workforce or go on to higher education.  Most stay right here in Southwest Florida, becoming productive workers and citizens.  However, to achieve their goals, many students carpool, work two jobs, tutor, and live at home. What do they have in common? All are seeking their dreams for a better future.

Victoria Stephan and her husband, Bruce, have lived in Town & River for 26 years. In all those years, they have given of their time and talents toward educational endeavors. Vicki, currently Director of Development at the FSW Foundation, has re-energized the FSW Foundation’s Mina Edison Society® which raises scholarships for FSW’s high-achieving students.  Bruce works in the Maxwell Hendry & Simmons commercial real estate appraisal division. Together, they have raised two boys with fun excursions on the water. Their downtime?  Giving back to the community. 

Can you help?  On November 12th the Mina Edison Society® members are holding a drive-through event at the Barbara B. Mann Hall from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm.  Just pop your trunk and a team will gather your donated items.

What is needed? Toothpaste, body soap, shampoo, plastic dinnerware, and hygiene items to name a few. Basic necessities are in low supply in the student pantry.  Many students are financially stressed.  A little ‘help up’ would go a long way to sending students on their way toward academic success! Cash donations are also accepted.
Many thanks to Mina’s Pantry TITLE SPONSOR:  Busey Bank.

To learn more visit www.Foundation.fsw/MinasPantry
If you need pick up at your home, email [email protected]
Victoria Stephan, Director of Development
FSW Foundation
[email protected]