Boat Parade
By Ken and Adrienne Beebe
The 2019 annual Cruise Club holiday boat parade was held on Saturday, December 14, 2019. Nine nicely decorated boats participated this year and we all enjoyed the good weather for the event. As usual, Santa Claus appeared in the most spectacularly decorated boat of the evening and this year Santa allowed Matt to take the helm. This year we even had a pink flamingo participate atop one of the parade boats. Due to a bit of leadership confusion, some boats missed one of the canals but all arrived at the Condo clubhouse in time for a great dinner-dance party after the parade. Thanks to all the Town & River residents who helped make the season bright with terrific decorating/lighting displays along the canals from their docks and beautiful homes.
Bill Martin piloted the Floating Flamingos through the canals
Bill Martin piloted the Floating Flamingos through the canals
Captain Ken Beebe and first mate Fred Ford-Smith lead the parade
Captain Ken Beebe and first mate Fred Ford-Smith lead the parade
Potluck Dinner
By Marge Byrne
Town & River Cruise Club held its Christmas Potluck Dinner on Saturday, December 14, after T&R Christmas boat parade ended. This year Christmas gathering was the biggest with 60 members and guests attending. The weather was nice allowing the overflow of people to utilize the outside patio. The food provided by members and guests was plenty and delicious. A good time was had by all dancing and singing Christmas Carols to the music and entertainment of Grant Werner.
As the music starts playing Chuck Williamson
As the music starts playing Chuck Williamson starts singing and tapping his feet
The Woodhouse duo mother Diane & son Fred
The Woodhouse duo mother Diane & son Fred danced to the beat