News from Our Blog

HOA Revised

Bringing Units 6 and 11 into the Amended, Restated, and Combined Deeds of Restriction (ARCDOR) covering Units 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, & 13 The front-page article in the May 2021 issue of this newsletter (available here) was titled “Bringing Town & River into One...

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Bear Sighting at The Landings

We have had a pretty good size bear in The Landings the last few days. The trap and cages that were set did not catch it. They think it is possibly going between T&R and The Landings. This is a picture of it – about 2 years old they think.

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Comparison of Deeds of Restriction

A comparison of the three Deeds of Restriction (ARCDOR, Unit 6, Unit 11) may be found on page 4 of the June 2020 issue of the monthly newsletter. Past newsletters may be accessed here:

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Tax Season Scam Alert

Presented by Jacqueline J. Lambros Registered Principal With tax season upon us, many of us are busy gathering the appropriate documents, meeting with CPAs, and ensuring that relevant tax deadlines are met. But in all the hustle and bustle, taxpayers also need to keep...

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Best wishes to Ann

Best wishes to Ann

Town & River's postal carrier Ann Gould retires after 40 years of service! You will be missed Ann!

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