News from Our Blog

Town & River Deeds of Restriction and Bylaws

Town & River Deeds of Restriction and Bylaws

Gary Hudson, Treasurer and Chair, Deeds of Restriction Committee Section 1 of the Amended, Restated, and Revised Deeds of Restriction (ARCDOR): “As provided in the original Deeds of Restrictions applicable to Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit 8 and Unit 9,...

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Important Message

Hello, this is President Mark Generales with an important message from your Board of Directors of the Town and River (T&R) Civic Association. It is by direction from and consultation with our Board attorney, we inform every owner today, April 1, 2019, whose...

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Pay 2019 Dues

The Town & River Civic Association Annual Dues are payable annually in February. Each lot owner in Town & River Estates whose dues are paid is entitled to one (1) vote for each Residential Lot owned. Members whose dues are not paid shall not be entitled to...

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52% of Owners Did Not Pay dues in 2018

Hi. This is Mark Generales, your Civic Association President. Our governing T&R Board has dealt with a serious issue for several years that I need to bring to your attention. A simple majority of Town and River owners do not pay their dues and support our...

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Town & River Happenings

By Terry Brady We have an active Board of Directors that is working hard for you. As an example, they’ve arranged for Lee County to commit to repave all of our streets soon which will give Town & River a new look and remove the cracks that comes with age. More to...

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2018 Holiday Boat Parade

The 2018 Town & River Holiday Boat Parade will be held on Saturday, December 15, 2018, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. The parade is open to all Town & River residents, all you have to do is show up at the start or join in somewhere along the route. All Town &...

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Website Development: Patricia Gill Studio