Town & River Cruise Club

Be a part of the fun! Join the T&R Cruise Club.

St. Patrick’s Cruise

St. Patrick’s Cruise

Town & River Cruise Club celebrated St Patrick’s Day on March 20th at the Lighthouse Restaurant in Ft. Myers. All winter we have been waiting for the perfect day to take the boats out on the Caloosahatchee River. Well, today, the first full day of Spring, was that...

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Town & River Cruise Club February Luncheon

Town & River Cruise Club February Luncheon

By Mike & Liz DiBenedetto The Town & River Cruise Club held its February luncheon at the Three Fishermen Restaurant in North Fort Myers on February 21, 2024. The weather was beautiful and 28 members and guests attended by boat or car. The restaurant has been...

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New Year’s Eve Party

On Sunday December 31, 2023 The "Town and River Cruise Club" Held a "New Year’s Eve Party" with 42 members and residents of our community attended along with Friends and Guests. The Party was hosted by Kenny and Donna Ray &"Vice Commodore" at the Ray's pool patio...

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Town & River Cruise Club Social Events

By Cecilia Bourdon The Town & River Cruise Club’s first social event of the 2023-24 boating season will take place at Snug Harbor on Saturday, October 14. Summer trips and adventures will be discussed with enthusiasm by members attending this event hosted by Lyn...

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Annual Picnic and Meeting April 22, 2023

Annual Picnic and Meeting April 22, 2023

By Deb Haptonstall The Town & River Cruise Club had our Annual Meeting and Picnic on April 15, 2023.  It was held at Franklin Lock Park South.  Mission BBQ catered the lunch. The meal was exceptional.  We played paper/pencil games, left right center and corn hole....

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