Members Only Online Directory

Current year’s dues must be paid in order to access the Members Only Directory. Dues may be paid online or by mail. Click here to pay dues.

Password instructions

  • at least 8 characters
  • at least one lower case
  • at least one upper case
  • at least one number
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Attention: Members in good standing (paid dues and have no outstanding unresolved violations), who have submitted their contact information, and have agreed to have their contact information published in the online directory, will be given access to the online directory. An email address is required to access the online directory. Email and street address is automatically published in the online directory. You may choose other information to include by checking the boxes above. Otherwise, the information submitted is for board use only.

Your Board is working on adding an online directory to the website. To be included in the directory, please complete the webform on this page to be included and have access to the directory.

If you prefer to print and mail the form, click here.

Town & River Civic Association | P.O. Box 07073 Fort Myers, FL 33919 | Privacy Policy

Copyright © 2018-2024 Town & River Civic Association. All rights reserved.

Website Development: Patricia Gill Studio