Town & River Cruise Club (TRCC) rang in 2022 with a Potluck Brunch at the T&R Condo Clubhouse on New Year’s Day 2022. The food was plenty and delicious. The Mimosas and Bloody Mary’s were enjoyed with the assortment of foods. Then the fun began with a “Yankee Swap” gift exchange.

Town & River Cruise Club membership is open to all Town & River residents, whether you have a boat or not. Those interested in joining the club, please see the TRCC application in this publication.

Sally was the winner of 50/50.
Town and River New Year’s Day Brunch 2022

I am keeping my pillow cover.
Town and River New Year’s Day Brunch 2022

This will be on eBay very soon.
Town and River New Year’s Day Brunch 2022

What is this?
Town and River New Year’s Day Brunch 2022

A light switch cover I can’t use. Wow!
Town and River New Year’s Day Brunch 2022

I am the skipper and this plaque proves it.
Town and River New Year’s Day Brunch 2022

Earrings! Just what I need.
Town and River New Year’s Day Brunch 2022

Yum, Chocolate Truffles!
Town and River New Year’s Day Brunch 2022

Cecilia explains how the Yankee swap works.

The brunch items were delectable.
Town and River New Year’s Day Brunch 2022

Lorraine and Sally enjoyed the Mimosa & Bloody Mary.
Town and River New Year’s Day Brunch 2022

Bill Habershaw tended bar at the New Year’s Brunch.
Town and River New Year’s Day Brunch 2022