By Ken & Adrienne Beebe

The 2021 annual Cruise Club Holiday Boat Parade was held on Saturday, December 11, 2021. Only three of the ten boats participating in the parade were piloted by club members. The rest of the boats had captains from the Town & River community who joined in all along the canals and river up to the starting point at the northeast corner of our neighborhood. This community spirit and participation really brought the Town & River parade to life with some of the most lavish displays of lighting and other decorations we have ever had. It was a perfect night for a boat parade with a warm, gentle, tropical breeze and light reflecting off the water from the moon and Venus in addition to the light from home, dock, and boat displays.

As always, thanks go out to all the Town & River residents who helped to make the season bright with their spectacular home decorating and lighting displays plus friendly holiday greetings all along the canals and docks.

Cruise Club Commodore Marge Byrne and husband Tom prepare to launch in the lead boat.
Town & River Cruise Club 2021

Beverly and Gary Ruegsegger enjoy the boat ride.
Town & River Cruise Club 2021

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer led the way.
Town & River Cruise Club 2021

Bill and Debbie Haptonstall and Peggy Mitchell enjoyed their first time in the boat parade.
Town & River Cruise Club 2021

Ken Beebe led the boat parade accompanied by Gayle Sawyer.
Town & River Cruise Club 2021

Fred Ford-Smith hosted a large gathering on his gaily decorated pontoon boat.
Town & River Cruise Club 2021

Liz and Mike DiBenedetto prepare to cast off from the condo docks.
Town & River Cruise Club 2021

Wendy and Bill Martin brought a bevy of pink flamingos to the parade.
Doug and MaryBeth Plank dressed for the occasion with lights galore.