On Saturday, April 17, the Town & River Cruise Club held its final event of the season at the Franklin Lock in Alva. 32 members and guests arrived by boat or car. It was nice to see so many attending our last function of the cruise year. The weather was cooperative which allowed for games to be played and much socializing. Mission Barbecue catered this event with delicious pulled meats and side dishes. Marita Pyne was the lucky winner of the 50/50 raffle. A good time was had by all.

The Cruise Club’s Annual Meeting was held following the lunch where our normal business was conducted. Marge Byrne was elected the new Commodore for the 2021/2022 season. Fred Ford-Smith was elected Vice Commodore. Marge gave the outgoing Commodore Mike DiBenedetto a clock for his service for the past two years.

Commodore Marge Byrne discussed the events planned for next year and requested additional hosts for selected events.

There was discussion of outreach to the Town & River community at large for new members. Anyone interested in learning more about the club can contact the current officers, or can attend any function as a guest of any member of the club. All are welcome.