A large number of cruise club members and guests congregated at the Condo Clubhouse on Saturday, December 11. Grant Werner played and sang as members socialized over drinks and appetizers. A while later, the dinner bell rang and members and guests found their places at the gaily decorated tables. The dinner buffet provided a variety of tasty offerings while various delectable desserts and coffee left diners well satisfied. The music, singing, laughter, and dancing continued for several hours after dinner.

The Cruise Club ended 2021 with a wonderful boat parade and a great dinner party to celebrate the Christmas Season. Happy New Year to all residents of the Town & River community!!

Grant Werner’s music kept us rocking for many hours.
2021 Boat Club Christmas DInner

Everything looked good and tasted yummy.
2021 Boat Club Christmas DInner

Club members chatted before the dinner bell rang.
2021 Boat Club Christmas DInner

The festive atmosphere cheered everyone.

Commodore Marge and Tom greeted club members.
2021 Boat Club Christmas DInner