By Mike and Liz DiBenedetto
The Town & River Cruise Club held its New Year’s Day Brunch at the Condominium Clubhouse. The weather was beautiful and sunny and 25 members and guests attended. This was a potluck event where everyone contributed lots of delicious food. Congrats to Barbara Reynolds who was the lucky 50/50 raffle winner on this day! As is customary, Cecilia Bourdon conducted a Yankee Swap and Bill Habershaw was our bartender.
The next event will be held at the Green Flash on Saturday, January 25, which will be hosted by Dick and Joanna Hogan. See flier for details.
A big box full of small items delights Honorata Shue
A big box full of small items delights Honorata Shue
Beverly Ruegsegger and Lorriane Ford-Smith shared holiday experiences
Beverly Ruegsegger and Lorriane Ford-Smith shared holiday experiences
Fletcher Reynolds is getting to know Ann and Rick Munafo
Fletcher Reynolds is getting to know Ann and Rick Munafo, new Town & River residents
Ken Beebe was thrilled to get some wine
Ken Beebe was thrilled to get some wine. This gift was in high demand during the “swap”